“My friend, if you’ve got sunshine streaming from every cell of your body and are living the rockstar life you know you were destined for, you can skip this post and instead let me know where I can sign up for your fan club!
I’ve been getting a few emails lately from people who are down in the dumps, stuck in an emotional mud puddle, or just downright feeling badly. So I wanted to extend my hand for anyone who needs it.” Excerpted from Tera Warner…
Self Reveal: Last week was just a rough week for me, too.
I don’t always want to admit it. I certainly don’t go out of my way to bring attention to it, but the fact is that last week I was feeling achy, just painful in my body, low energy, overworked and generally under the weather.
When that happens, I know exactly what I need to do to get back on track and avoid the self-pity spiral that keeps me compromising my health and vibrant well-being. I thought you might appreciate knowing some of what I do.
Here it is:
1. I give up one of my favorites — staying up too late! I prioritize getting enough sleep, because then I know that my fatigue and overwhelm won’t be triggering unnecessary emotions or causing cravings for unhealthy food (which keep the spiral going).
2. I wake up and hydrate myself with fresh spring water and a squirt of lemon and a bunch of cayenne, then I drink it down! If you’re not a lover of the hot, take it with a liter of water rather than just a shot, maybe even add some stevia to it. Cayenne helps blood flow and inflammation, and gets me feeling better fast. Lemon is a great all over tonic and alkalizer.
3. I make getting outside a priority. Sometimes it seems like chillin’ with a movie is the answer, but I know some time outside will do me good. No matter what I have on my plate, I push it all aside — just for a few moments — and I gift myself with some deep, attentive breaths outside. (If you live in a city, that’s okay!! Outside air is still better than inside air!) I like to walk, not hike for hours necessarily, just a good walk 15-20 minutes usually does it for me.
4. Why are you having THESE symptoms, at THIS time? Use what you know about yourself and your patterns, and let your intuition help you. For me, I admit that I spent the first two days of last week just trying to survive feeling downright awful. But a little self-reflection made it clear I needed to get myself to the chiropractor — which helped me dramatically. What do you need?
It’s funny, we stop what we’re doing all the time for other distractions like the phone, the kids, the neighbor, the dog, etc. Why the HECK do we struggle so much to stop for ourselves?!
I tell the world to hang on, while I look after myself, and guess what? The world is always right there, exactly where I left it when I come back!
You may also benefit from:
Sticking to simple food. Even taking your time in preparing, no rushing.
Keeping your water bottle full. Making sure to hydrate regularly, not just in the morning but throughout your day. This flushes out toxins that may be adding to your un-ease as well.
So here’s the quick recap:
- Sleep.
- Water, with some special additives.
- Fresh air and deep breaths.
- Appropriate care.
It can be that simple. Presto, you’ve kickstarted the the self-love domino effect that can turn things around and get you back on track feeling like your best self again!
Bottom Line:
Give yourself a break and in a day or two you will be feeling like your MAGNIFICENT self again.
Note to self: It never hurts to have a wonderful, special person there with you to “tend” to you a bit as well. No matter what is happening, feeling like someone cares is heap BIG medicine.
Big thanks to Tera Warner for some excerpts and ideas around self care. For more of Tera’s wisdom, be sure to check out www.terawarner.com and see for yourself.
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