“Perfect Love” is an illusive concept that many will say doesn’t exist.
I say “Perfect Love” DOES EXIST! And it is closer than you think, you simply need to know where to look.
This magnificent affair began for me when I was very young and grew as I moved toward my teenage years. You may doubt the ability of a teenager to find “Perfect Love” or even to recognize it when it is there. Yet, this was clearly what happened to me. It began as a fascination, an infatuation and I quickly started spending many hours exploring what felt so natural and so good to me.
No, it’s not what you think. It is music and it soon began to consume larger and larger portions of my day. I started to not only appreciate it, I began to play. My guitars come in different shapes and colors and have very different tonal characteristics. Some are made from deep rich Mahogany and others come with brighter sounding woods, like maple and alder. There is no end to the excitement I feel when I have one of them in my hands. There is also an endless possibility of unbelievably cool accessories for them, proving at every turn the abundance of the universe. Items that I can buy for my dear ones that will help them sound smoother, or deeper, look brilliant, or look softer.