REAL SUCCESS makes you REAL HAPPY! No questions, conjecture, or debate.
However, feeling good about success is all in how you measure it. It’s all in your “yardstick.”
It’s simple, REAL success makes you happy! Real success allows you to “be more present” – to be more tolerant, more generous, to reach more people, and to shine authentically brighter.
The way you measure success, now that can trip you up! Webster’s dictionary says success is: “a degree or measure of succeeding.” OK, if it’s a measure, then you need to know what “yardstick” you are using to determine if you have achieved success…or not?
Are you like my friend, a highly visible, highly “successful” entrepreneur who measures her life by the speed at which she outpaces her peers? Striving for more, regardless of what it costs. If so, I know already that your life is full of drama, guilt, self-doubt, and unrelenting pressure.